Welcome to my write up with my photography about hiking this trail up in the Mt. Jefferson Wilderness !

We have hiked this trail several times, I will do write ups on each of these times. Showing of course the photography of each of our hikes!

This day started early for early is best!

This trail starts near Camp Sherman. If this area is new to you, Camp Sherman is nearest Sisters Oregon. We like taking the back roads to Sisters Oregon if we hear the main hwy is busy, or if we just want to take our time. I like taking our time! Stop when we want to and the such!

Of course the back roads mean no gas stations, no stores, not to much of anything so we gas up in Madras Oregon. I make plenty of coffee ! Guy makes sure we have lunch , lots of water and other munchies with us. Of course he makes sure the truck is maintained! Guy is great about this, as well as bringing everything we could possibly need on the trail! My main objective is the photography equipment!

This trail for you who like to check out trails is called the Table Lake Trail. The Mt. Jefferson Wilderness area has what 40 miles of the Pacific Crest Trail as part of the 104,523 acres, 163 miles of trails and by far is the most popular and in many aspects easier then some of these other trails that are not so well known.

Something to take note of if in this area, there are no facilities. Like I have said we have been to this trail several times and yet to run into another person! This trial is not maintained. There is no one around so prepare yourself before you head out!

First thing you will see are little corrals for horses. Horses are allowed here. Your dog is allowed here. However take note of the lava rock in my photography! The lava rock may rip your dogs feet up, be prepared!

Next you will see signs telling you to lock up your vehicle as well as this trial is not maintained though at one point someone did some work here! There has also been wildfires here!  This is Central Oregon, wildfires are what is here.

The creek and the cascades are what first catches your hearing. Then you see the water. At this point the trail looks real nice! Great for you who want to just have lunch in a quiet , scenic place or have kids who just want to play  in a remote , quiet spot!

I am not good with judging distance, miles and such. With that said the trail starts getting hairy about oh ….. a mile in, maybe two miles in. We laugh calling such trails, “deer”, trails haha

I joke around about this for it is funny! It can also be very hot! The creek has been left behind and the shade of the trees feels nice! The birds singing is the only music one needs! We do not have cell phones so have no clue if they work in such a area? I would say no but??

For folks who have not heard the saying,”pack it in, pack it out”, check this out before going to far in. We live close enough we make this a day hike. When I have had enough it is time to turn around. I am not running a marathon or have anything to prove to anyone 😉 *wink

The beginning of the trail may even be good enough for wheelchairs to think of it…… perhaps the folks that have a hard time walking as well? There is plenty of room to park a vehicle for the handicapped. However further in the trail is just not maintained!

There is a water stop some time in…. the creek goes across the trail. This is a nice stop and this time I am not even sure we went in that far, I have no photographed documentation of it, so this time we must not have?? You will just have to wait until I get that series of photographs posted…….

Guy new of this trail from years back and he was more then happy to show me and my camera the trail!  The Mt. Jefferson Wilderness is a wonderful, scenic area! Check out my photographs of this hike and make sure you bring your own camera if you are going to visit Central Oregon or the High Desert of Oregon!

If you are on twitter there is a real nice chat on Fridays called HikerChat. If you would like to come by, lots of the outdoor community check in on Fridays!

Thank you for coming by and checking out my write up about this hike! Keep a eye out for the many other posts I just have yet to get posted on here!


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