Always have been involved in Wildlife – Nature. Folks who have known me through out my life find what I do now not a big surprise. Natural sciences, the planet in which we live has always been my fascination! I am also a disabled American , the animals do not seam to mind! I do what I can with what I have been given.
My website is set up into section for your security .
Each section may have different functions. All sections are set up for mobile users (wink wink, I try).
I am always reading, listening applying changes to this site as to what folks are talking about to keep up with this new wonderful world of technology !
During this pandemic I sure hope you and yours have not been affected to drastically ! We asked one of the sons back home after healing from the virus.
I got my certification in computer networking. I will add the certificate when that is I can find it. It is in that secrete spot ha
I have also gotten more into the gaming world. I do not do things in a small way, so I will share some of the gaming things I have been doing as of lately.
Have done and seen a lot of neat things in my life, being on the set of the Unsolved Mystery Show about DB Cooper was one of the fun experiences I have had!
You may have noticed if you follow me on social media (twitter), I love the frogs we have here at the house!
Some of you may here me talk of a exotic pet rescue – Well here are a couple of the tv spots back in the 1990’s
This all was a experience !
I love music, and I love the records I own. Of course now everything is digital …..Put this together years ago from my vinyl records –
I also put this one up of another vinyl record I own….. Like many folks I have a lot of vinyl records, some signed most are not but again everything is going digital now a days.