We like trying new flowers here in our garden in the High Desert of Oregon. These are no different!

Guy brought home a seed pack and the flower on the front was real pretty so we figured let’s put the seeds down and see what happens!

This Cleome had us going there at first I tell you what!! My goodness does it look like marijuana haha! Marijuana of course is legal here, but draws the wrong kinds of people to your garden and these people will destroy a garden faster then you can run them out! Guy said he had a conversation with one of the local marijuana growers who said that is what it looks like ……

When this plant started to bud on top was the give away, and OMG the flowers are just beautiful!! So different !! Kind of reminded me of the Honeysuckle we grow. In fact we may just grow more next year? 2017 as every year was a good year in the garden. I admit my health has not been the best so getting out there in the last three months has not been easy but I have tried to be aware of what was going on out there!

These Cleome are not a real high growing flower. The Four Oclocks just towered over this, so we need to find another place for them that they will get more light. Perhaps inside the fence due to the confusion of the plant itself ? Like the Honeysuckle this Cleome did attract the Hummingbirds which is always a nice thing!! The Cleome did not appreciate the snow we got. We will find out next year how this seeds? I need to do some reading up on it which I admit I have not done as of yet.

Without much more talking, my photographs say much more then I can……

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