Meet the Mountain Chickadee! Unlike the other chickadee bird species this one has white stripes upon its small head.

This is where I typically photographed these Mountain Chickadee’s in our winter time here in the High Desert of Oregon. It is said these Mountain Chickadee’s flock with the Kinglets. My observations is, when the Kinglet population rose, the Mountain Chickadee’s left. Perhaps just not enough food here at the house to feed everyone?? Perhaps the Mountain Chickadee’s found a better food source? I have not seen them on my walks around town within the last two years either. I find this interesting for we had a nice population of them here until like I said the Kinglet population rose.

There is some nice audio files at this link if you would like to hear the Mountain Chickadee.

We have had some land clearing, burning within the last two years which could have been why the Mountain Chickadee has not made it’s presents here at the house ? Land maintenance is good for wildfires not so good if you are a creature of habit and things have changed.

We might not know why such a common wild animal who was seen most everyday just leaves? If we could ask the wildlife they have valid reasons for leaving, we just are not smart enough to communicate with the wildlife, yet. Some day perhaps humans will place wildlife higher up on our things to care about? Until then we just observe what we can and share are observations with those who will listen……

I recall speaking with someone about the Chickadee’s, thinking I was joking for Chickadee is in song, “My little Chickadee”. There are what four or five species of Chickadee’s. I have only photographed the Mountain Chickadee here at the house.

Sine the Mountain Chickadee was such a common bird here at the house in previous winters I have not even shown all my photographs of the species I have. Just tucked them away in my photograph archive. I never thought much of patience …. though I do have my share and I will wait and answer Guy’s question, “Have the Chickadee’s returned”, truthfully.  He asks me this quite a lot for these are such stunning looking little birds.

Thank you for coming by and listening to me talk of this small Mountain Chickadee bird!

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