life in the garden - soon the garden will come to life here in our rural town in the high desert of oregon ! #photography
— mrsroadrunner aka Coralie (@Mrs_Roadrunner) March 17, 2018
wild eagle , high desert of oregon - remember to look up if visiting our area ......... our part of the state has these perches that are built just so such birds as this eagle can rest, hunt, whatever they want to do on them, instead of the electrical poles......
— mrsroadrunner aka Coralie (@Mrs_Roadrunner) November 30, 2018
this is what i introduced to my website - full customization of images before it gets beamed off to the manufacture. these are posters,however have several more products in the starting phase. just takes time .....
— mrsroadrunner aka Coralie (@Mrs_Roadrunner) November 28, 2018
enjoy some color this morning with this swallowtail butterfly........ high desert of oregon -
— mrsroadrunner aka Coralie (@Mrs_Roadrunner) November 24, 2018
I also worked on throw pillows -
— mrsroadrunner aka Coralie (@Mrs_Roadrunner) November 17, 2018
here is another one of the clocks
— mrsroadrunner aka Coralie (@Mrs_Roadrunner) November 17, 2018
one thing i worked on is clocks earlier ....
— mrsroadrunner aka Coralie (@Mrs_Roadrunner) November 17, 2018
Tam-a-Lau Rock (English means - "big rocks on the ground" ) , here in the high desert of oregon
— mrsroadrunner aka Coralie (@Mrs_Roadrunner) November 10, 2018
Cosmos Flower - figured we needed some color !
— mrsroadrunner aka Coralie (@Mrs_Roadrunner) November 1, 2018
high desert lake. i needed this for something - blue skies make for blue water - just the way it is .......
— mrsroadrunner aka Coralie (@Mrs_Roadrunner) October 17, 2018
Frog who was hiding away in my archive -
— mrsroadrunner aka Coralie (@Mrs_Roadrunner) October 17, 2018
Common Yellowthroat just uploaded a batch to the birds - insects and seed eaters at the gallery
— mrsroadrunner aka Coralie (@Mrs_Roadrunner) October 16, 2018
The Fritillary Butterfly - its all in the eyes i tell ya haha - the Cascade Mountains here in Oregon if you know where to go is great to see butterflies !
— mrsroadrunner aka Coralie (@Mrs_Roadrunner) September 19, 2018
mentioned this image to someone ...... figured i might as well share it
— mrsroadrunner aka Coralie (@Mrs_Roadrunner) September 10, 2018
Dove - Young dove outside our door . this youngster will grow into that beak soon ...... high desert of oregon
— mrsroadrunner aka Coralie (@Mrs_Roadrunner) July 20, 2018
dragonfly - best insecticide you can have is a couple of these on your property!
— mrsroadrunner aka Coralie (@Mrs_Roadrunner) July 20, 2018
white verbena flowers - classic verbena flowers in white ..... we have grown these for some years now
— mrsroadrunner aka Coralie (@Mrs_Roadrunner) July 10, 2018
columbine flower - this is the classic columbine flower with the long spurs. the only kind we grow. the yellow i deadhead, colors such as this can produce as much seeds as they like! I heard them be called,"fairy flowers", as well
— mrsroadrunner aka Coralie (@Mrs_Roadrunner) July 10, 2018
Poppy Flower - this shot is not so busy. Busy is good and all, busy also can be overwhelming -
— mrsroadrunner aka Coralie (@Mrs_Roadrunner) July 10, 2018
Sweet William Flowers. we never know what colors we are going to have from year to year, multi petals that kind of thing. I do keep true seeds around, however it is fun to see what colors we will have by letting them do their own thing .....
— mrsroadrunner aka Coralie (@Mrs_Roadrunner) July 10, 2018
swallowtail butterfly sweet williams flowers - i am a curious person and like to get right up and personal to see what such things as the butterflies are doing ..... these are what dreams are made of , giant bugs haha
— mrsroadrunner aka Coralie (@Mrs_Roadrunner) July 10, 2018
swallowtail butterfly on the sweet william flowers.... just a everyday, typical scene here at our garden. this swallowtail looks fairly new - no battle scars
— mrsroadrunner aka Coralie (@Mrs_Roadrunner) July 10, 2018
poppy flowers - these are the small headed poppy flowers. they dont last long, a day, maybe two if no over head waters. I try my best to keep up with deadheading them.... the farmers dont like these in their crops so we keep them under control
— mrsroadrunner aka Coralie (@Mrs_Roadrunner) July 10, 2018
Pink Sweet William Flowers . we have all colors of the sweet williams. they came in thick , some taller then in previous years, and flashy .......
— mrsroadrunner aka Coralie (@Mrs_Roadrunner) July 10, 2018
thread waisted wasp - here is another one of this wasp we have here. I have gotten right up there when they are alone, once there was three of them with no problems. not sure i would do that with a nest of them ......
— mrsroadrunner aka Coralie (@Mrs_Roadrunner) July 10, 2018
swallowtail butterfly - seeing by the wings here, this is not a new butterfly..... battle scars
— mrsroadrunner aka Coralie (@Mrs_Roadrunner) July 10, 2018
Butterfly getting a drink photograph . this is actually a yellow swallowtail butterfly , that is one of my lily flowers taken here in our garden in the high desert of oregon usa
— mrsroadrunner aka Coralie (@Mrs_Roadrunner) July 9, 2018
bumble bee's work day photograph - slice of life here in the high desert of oregon
— mrsroadrunner aka Coralie (@Mrs_Roadrunner) July 9, 2018
took the puppy out to the national grasslands. he stuck to us like glue. he seamed to like his outing -
— mrsroadrunner aka Coralie (@Mrs_Roadrunner) July 4, 2018
cascade mountains of oregon - got to laugh at myself. so we are at the pacific ocean, and i am going to the creek that feeds into the ocean.Guy laughed, "here you are at the beach and you run to the creek" ha - i love running water -
— mrsroadrunner aka Coralie (@Mrs_Roadrunner) June 28, 2018
daisy bud ....... i like my garden ....
— mrsroadrunner aka Coralie (@Mrs_Roadrunner) June 25, 2018
spotted towhee . they spend quite a bit of the year with us here at home. more and more come every year..... it gets warm so they will leave until it cools down here in the high desert of oregon. they dont like the high temps, shocker haha
— mrsroadrunner aka Coralie (@Mrs_Roadrunner) June 24, 2018
painted lady butterfly here at home. i like the dotted eyes of butterflies.....
— mrsroadrunner aka Coralie (@Mrs_Roadrunner) June 24, 2018
swallowtail butterfly flying from the flower the butterfly just got done collecting from - the flower is the sweet williams .... butterflies love them!
— mrsroadrunner aka Coralie (@Mrs_Roadrunner) June 24, 2018
double delight rose - this is one of our fatalities of this year. looks like it and some others were sprayed with chemicals that caused damage. this rose will be dug up, moved and this flower bed will no longer be cared for. let the lilacs take it over - hope it survives
— mrsroadrunner aka Coralie (@Mrs_Roadrunner) June 24, 2018
eclipse 2017 from our driveway ...... getting images ready for a write up on the website -
— mrsroadrunner aka Coralie (@Mrs_Roadrunner) June 24, 2018
Johnny Jump Up - the fly gives a good size comparison ...... if not the first flower to bloom, darn near it - if someone ever calls you a , "pansy", take it as a compliment. very hardy flower
— mrsroadrunner aka Coralie (@Mrs_Roadrunner) June 24, 2018
alysum flower - we use them as ground covering. they are coming in quite thick as expected this year......
— mrsroadrunner aka Coralie (@Mrs_Roadrunner) June 24, 2018
cultus lake , oregon ...... because i have a thing for reflections
— mrsroadrunner aka Coralie (@Mrs_Roadrunner) June 24, 2018
this photograph has been good to me ... singing canary -
— mrsroadrunner aka Coralie (@Mrs_Roadrunner) June 18, 2018
downy woodpecker doing what a woodpecker does . we have them here at home year round these days ..... dont let their size fool ya, insects best run and hide ha
— mrsroadrunner aka Coralie (@Mrs_Roadrunner) June 13, 2018
Pine Siskin - this one i think is a new visitor, not sure would have to go through my archive.... migration brings visitors who may only stay for a short time, some return every year - some of the birds may bring their young, or have them right here so i can watch them grow up
— mrsroadrunner aka Coralie (@Mrs_Roadrunner) June 13, 2018
yellow rose. prolific bloomer then BAM it is done. we planted it outside one of the windows. the thorns on it can tear a person in two , know this from experience ha - we have to keep a eye on it or it will take over the world as we know it ha
— mrsroadrunner aka Coralie (@Mrs_Roadrunner) June 13, 2018
Hawk that visited outside our door in our tree. it first had landed on the ground but i dint see the bird, or expect a hawk outside the door until it flew up into the tree where it could watch me
— mrsroadrunner aka Coralie (@Mrs_Roadrunner) June 13, 2018
california quail - they moved out of the back area to forage , teaching the young. we keep a eye on the, "weeds" (vetch), however found out the native wildlife love it so whatcha do?
— mrsroadrunner aka Coralie (@Mrs_Roadrunner) March 20, 2018
sweet william flowers - have some sweet williams hahahaha - they do grow well for us here on the high desert of oregon , water water water..... Guy feeds everything too ....
— mrsroadrunner aka Coralie (@Mrs_Roadrunner) March 20, 2018
Hoverfly and the tall bearded iris flower - High Desert of Oregon Garden . This hoverfly came to check out this iris flower. Hoverflies are a beneficial pollinating insect we want in our garden
— mrsroadrunner aka Coralie (@Mrs_Roadrunner) March 18, 2018
swallowtail butterfly on the sweet williams flowers high desert of oregon garden. if you like butterflies put in some sweet williams flowers. easy to grow , butterflies LOVE them
— mrsroadrunner aka Coralie (@Mrs_Roadrunner) March 18, 2018
The Columbine Flower is one of those flowers here in the High Desert of Oregon you have to control them!! This is a nice example of why they do so well, this one flower will give off two seed pods, one seed pod is growing out of the center ..... soon another seed pod will form
— mrsroadrunner aka Coralie (@Mrs_Roadrunner) March 18, 2018
Tall Bearded Iris new for 2017 - this is one of our new tall bearded iris. We are happy with the bloom - High Desert of Oregon
— mrsroadrunner aka Coralie (@Mrs_Roadrunner) March 18, 2018
Pine Sawyer Beetle - not the smallest beetle either! found in old wood logs, unhealthy trees here in Oregon -curiosity in nature , never know what you may find -
— mrsroadrunner aka Coralie (@Mrs_Roadrunner) March 17, 2018
life in the garden - soon the garden will come to life here in our rural town in the high desert of oregon ! #photography
— mrsroadrunner aka Coralie (@Mrs_Roadrunner) March 17, 2018
biker in the high desert of oregon - photographing butterflies on the national grasslands we live near when this kid road by - probably did not even see me -
— mrsroadrunner aka Coralie (@Mrs_Roadrunner) March 17, 2018
This is the Stargazer Lily . We moved almost all our lilies out to the front flower bed due to their requirements that were not being met in the old bed. They like the new bed very much !
— mrsroadrunner aka Coralie (@Mrs_Roadrunner) March 17, 2018
one of the trails we were on, never saw anyone ...... #hikerchat
— mrsroadrunner aka Coralie (@Mrs_Roadrunner) March 16, 2018
High Desert of Oregon Wildflowers - they will be blooming soon enough ! soon as the snow is off of black butte the old timers say it is time to plant.....
— mrsroadrunner aka Coralie (@Mrs_Roadrunner) March 11, 2018
Found these flowers growing wild here outside of Madras Oregon. We always thought it was private land, come to find out it is public land all one has to do is shut the gate.
— mrsroadrunner aka Coralie (@Mrs_Roadrunner) March 10, 2018
my onion plant is over a foot tall now - i want to take it outside and find it a good spot when it gets nice enough to do so ..... the photograph is one of my past plants
— mrsroadrunner aka Coralie (@Mrs_Roadrunner) March 9, 2018
Male Californian Mantis .... they both have a round black "spot", on their - well lets call them "arms". Hurry up and see him for once they mate he is gone ...... for good
— mrsroadrunner aka Coralie (@Mrs_Roadrunner) March 2, 2018
Praying Mantises are one of those creatures you want in your garden. They are one of the BEST beneficial insects out there without using harmful chemicals. This is the California species , and female. The males are brown. Females are the boss ha
— mrsroadrunner aka Coralie (@Mrs_Roadrunner) March 2, 2018
White-lined Sphinx hummingbird moth here at home in our garden in the high desert of oregon - a natural pollinator who is very fast. comes in does its pollinating and takes off to another
— mrsroadrunner aka Coralie (@Mrs_Roadrunner) March 2, 2018
American Robin who thought he was in trouble for picking the strawberries when we planted the strawberries for us and to share them with the birds! High desert of Oregon garden
— mrsroadrunner aka Coralie (@Mrs_Roadrunner) March 2, 2018
when the columbine bloom - high desert of oregon garden flowers - the columbine are wildflowers here as well, the wild columbine typically are smaller, but can grow in high elevations here in oregon
— mrsroadrunner aka Coralie (@Mrs_Roadrunner) March 2, 2018
Good Day from The High Desert of Oregon USA -
— mrsroadrunner aka Coralie (@Mrs_Roadrunner) February 24, 2018
Rough-legged Hawk - our town here in the high desert of oregon dose not have much as some folks have. no shopping malls, not even traffic lights - what we do have is such birds as this ... i much rather see the birds myself ha
— mrsroadrunner aka Coralie (@Mrs_Roadrunner) February 23, 2018
Western Kingbird National Grasslands of Oregon - our area is known for the acres and acres of open land - the wildlife thrive here as do the people who call the high desert and eastern oregon home
— mrsroadrunner aka Coralie (@Mrs_Roadrunner) February 22, 2018
high desert storm taken on the national grasslands looking west to the cascade mountains of oregon .......
— mrsroadrunner aka Coralie (@Mrs_Roadrunner) February 22, 2018
Shooting Star Flowers - these shooting stars come in two colors (that we seen), and are wildflowers in the higher elevations in the Ochoco Mountains of Oregon ....
— mrsroadrunner aka Coralie (@Mrs_Roadrunner) February 22, 2018
Dianthus Flower - high desert of oregon garden photography - Dianthus reflect light quite well ...... colorful and seam to only like container growing , here in the high desert at least
— mrsroadrunner aka Coralie (@Mrs_Roadrunner) February 22, 2018
daisies, because no garden is complete without some form of daisies ..... high desert of oregon garden color ..... this one is for the right side of a wall so they are looking to the left .......
— mrsroadrunner aka Coralie (@Mrs_Roadrunner) February 22, 2018
Dahlias flowers - high desert of oregon garden photography - color color color ....
— mrsroadrunner aka Coralie (@Mrs_Roadrunner) February 22, 2018
sunflower from my garden - high desert of oregon . just to bring some color into my timeline haha
— mrsroadrunner aka Coralie (@Mrs_Roadrunner) February 22, 2018
#WaterfallWednesday Fall River - in the high desert of oregon -
— mrsroadrunner aka Coralie (@Mrs_Roadrunner) February 22, 2018
#WaterfallWednesday Lost Lake Oregon - Cascade mountains - cascades = waterfalls -
— mrsroadrunner aka Coralie (@Mrs_Roadrunner) February 22, 2018
#WaterfallWednesday sahalie falls oregon - the result of the water falling on the McKenzie River , cascade mountains - the water gives off rainbows and moss covers everything
— mrsroadrunner aka Coralie (@Mrs_Roadrunner) February 22, 2018
sunflower - high desert of oregon garden . i just liked the different colors before i took this ......
— mrsroadrunner aka Coralie (@Mrs_Roadrunner) February 19, 2018
columbine flower - high desert of oregon garden. at the end of their long spurs there will be nectar that look like little round balls if you look closely. you may see critters feeding on it ......
— mrsroadrunner aka Coralie (@Mrs_Roadrunner) February 19, 2018
Soft colors of the iris flower bloom. new iris of the 2017 blooming season. high desert of oregon garden
— mrsroadrunner aka Coralie (@Mrs_Roadrunner) February 19, 2018
Simple Design Of The Morning Glory Flower - high desert of oregon. took this for i thought it would make for a neat photograph..... nature is the first designer
— mrsroadrunner aka Coralie (@Mrs_Roadrunner) February 19, 2018
red hibiscus flower - high desert of oregon
— mrsroadrunner aka Coralie (@Mrs_Roadrunner) February 19, 2018
poppy flower showing color - high desert of oregon
— mrsroadrunner aka Coralie (@Mrs_Roadrunner) February 19, 2018
poppy flower . high desert of oregon
— mrsroadrunner aka Coralie (@Mrs_Roadrunner) February 19, 2018
hollyhock flowers. this hollyhock was one i got the seeds shipped in from china. it took some time but they were all so pretty ! high desert of oregon
— mrsroadrunner aka Coralie (@Mrs_Roadrunner) February 19, 2018
Hen and Chicks Flowers growing here in the high desert of oregon
— mrsroadrunner aka Coralie (@Mrs_Roadrunner) February 19, 2018
Lily Flowers - high desert of oregon garden photographs
— mrsroadrunner aka Coralie (@Mrs_Roadrunner) February 19, 2018
the high desert of oregon , everyday view looking south east. working farms and the rocks in the background is smith rocks. the high desert of oregon has some of the best growing soil there is here in oregon
— mrsroadrunner aka Coralie (@Mrs_Roadrunner) February 15, 2018
iced over pond . this pond had iced over, the water evaporated at some point and time . High Desert of Oregon
— mrsroadrunner aka Coralie (@Mrs_Roadrunner) February 15, 2018
giant puffball mushroom that grows here in oregon - i was told you can eat them, check out this video at this link
— mrsroadrunner aka Coralie (@Mrs_Roadrunner) February 13, 2018
one of the prettier coyotes i photographed - this was in the Ochoco Mountains of Oregon ......
— mrsroadrunner aka Coralie (@Mrs_Roadrunner) February 5, 2018
This is our town taken from up on the hill looking east towards the ochoco mountains - high desert of oregon - typically i like looking west for that is mt jefferson - south is the sisters mountains and north is mt hood - all part of the cascade mountain range of oregon
— mrsroadrunner aka Coralie (@Mrs_Roadrunner) February 4, 2018
Adventure in the Canyon , turkey vulture from above . someone just reminded me of putting this up. I am not in a airplane, I am hiking the canyon rim looking down into the canyon. #oregon high desert
— mrsroadrunner aka Coralie (@Mrs_Roadrunner) February 12, 2018
turkey vultures. i had a chat with someone about these large birds. here is a photograph of two of them perching not to far off from half a dozen or so more here in the high desert of Oregon.
— mrsroadrunner aka Coralie (@Mrs_Roadrunner) February 4, 2018
african grey parrot - I enjoy birds of all kinds - high desert of oregon photography
— mrsroadrunner aka Coralie (@Mrs_Roadrunner) February 3, 2018
Madras Oregon - Jefferson County Oregon. This is here in the high desert of Oregon and the biggest town where we live here in Oregon
— mrsroadrunner aka Coralie (@Mrs_Roadrunner) January 28, 2018
warming station stove - ochoco mountains Oregon. the warming stations are not much to look at - just a log cabin but they for visitors to warm up in #hikerchat
— mrsroadrunner aka Coralie (@Mrs_Roadrunner) January 26, 2018
hoverfly - beneficial pollinator - when folks think of pollinators they do not seam to understand there are a lot of pollinators on this planet.... high desert of oregon
— mrsroadrunner aka Coralie (@Mrs_Roadrunner) January 21, 2018
Pygmy Horned Lizard Of Jefferson County Oregon . post has the same name with more photographs. this is one of our lizards here on the high desert of oregon. be careful where you step, they blend in very well to their environment !
— mrsroadrunner aka Coralie (@Mrs_Roadrunner) January 21, 2018
European Starling of the High Desert - post is named the same thing - hope this guy puts a smile on your face as he does mine haha 😉 high desert of oregon birds
— mrsroadrunner aka Coralie (@Mrs_Roadrunner) January 19, 2018