Flight of The Bumble Bee

Previous Next Meet one of my visitors! I have shown other photographs gotten of what I call a bumblebee. This little series of shots taken in June of 2014 are on one of my many Lupine Flowers. My observation of everything around me began as a child as many peoples had. I just never stopped. […]

Hoverfly a Beneficial Insect

Previous Next Meet the Hoverfly! In the last four years of writing about my photography you may have seen several posts about the Hoverfly? The family of the Hoverfly is a pretty large family. I welcome the Hoverfly to our garden at least this species ( Scaeva pyrastri (?) to be technical), they are a […]

Verbena Flower Blooms

Previous Next Meet the Verbena Flower. Some folks may know them called other names? I need some color who knows you may as well? We grow our Verbena in a large flower pot in direct east sunlight. The flowers do well in this direct sunlight, the camera does tend to throw a fit in this […]

Wild Gray Hairstreak Butterfly

Previous Next Butterflies are fascinating creatures big and small! Watching them flutter from this place or that place is quite the hobby for many people. I am no different! On this day as I was out tending the flowers I noticed this little one fluttering here and there and thought what the hay , lets […]


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