Meet our White Lily Flower that is part of our Lily patch.

Since Guy is home I asked him the name of this Lily to see if he could remember the name for everything has a name. Na he did not remember. We have had this blooming for several years now.

I pulled out the lens a little to get a view of the other blooms. The Lily patch gets the butterflies, and the Hummingbirds to them. Not to many honeybees care for the Lily flowers.

I am fond of shadows, the photograph I took above is a example of how the natural light dancing in sink with my Lily flower bloom.

You may have seen the photograph above in my Happy New Years blog…..?

I got the “Blue Screen of Death”, on my lap top so being a little to careful with it at the moment waiting on the desktop us old school folks seam to think are more stable then the lap tops. If they are or not? At least I can update it when I need to , unlike the lap top. These photographs are already upoaded from my archive so I do not need to plug anything into the lap top.

I yinned when I should have yanged leaving this floral photography album alone and broke all my links I had out there in the online world, smart right haha!

Thank you for stopping by and checking out my (our), White Lily Flower Bloom. I am pretty proud of our lily patch like any gardener!

I am also going to plug the Hiker Chat over there on twitter. Fun group of folks and if I talk or not is debatable ? However if you like the outdoors and like I am, in twitter check out the #hikerchat on fridays. The link to the left should take you on over to the transcript page? Maybe see you there?

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