Our mastiffs were actually playing at one of the lakes we were at.
They are just bigger than most dogs.
English Mastiffs are very good family dogs. They are protectors and do not need to tell anyone, or even show anyone they are. When adults they puff up like puffer fish.
Pound per pound they do not play rougher then other breeds of dogs, they are just big dogs.
The English Mastiff, or Old English Mastiff is a old breed of dog.
The males can weigh anywhere from 150- 250 pounds.The biggest English Mastiff to date was 345 pounds. He stood 35 inches at the shoulders and tip of his tail to the tip of his nose he was 8.25 feet long. I read where he was the size of a small donkey.
Our young boys are nowhere near that size! They are around 200 pounds. Big babies if you ask me!
UPDATE- 9-14-202
The boys died several years back now and we miss them terribly! Someone here in our town,instead of showing sympathy for our loss, they called the police on us. That poor police man! I brought out my 17 year old dog showing him we are caring for our old dogs and he can call the vet if he likes. The police man told us I did not need to show him my old man, nor is he going to do anything about the call and told us he is sorry for bothering us. The police being called at such a hard time in our life has changed the way I see our small rural town. Knowing what kind of people live here. Someone over there on twitter helped more than he will ever know with our loss.