Meet the male Wilson’s Warbler !
This is one of our visitors to the garden and the small pond in 2014! Like a flash this man flew in to get a drink and perhaps something to eat.
Being a insect songbird this small bird darts here and there. Stopping for brief times.
The male Wilson’s Warbler with his black cap stands out when he shows up!
If you are in Oregon keep your eyes open for this small bird!
Hope your weekend went well and thank you for coming by and seeing this small series of shots that was taken here at the house in the High Desert of Oregon!
It’s funny the warbler looks similar to a canary here in mich.
Hi there Denise,
This species is smaller then say the canaries I used to have as pets.
MMMM, well 3.9–4.7 in is what is saying.
Small birds 🙂