Black-headed Grosbeak
Previous Next The Black-headed Grosbeak is the monarch butterflies worst enemy! These are a species of birds who can safely eat the poisonous monarch butterfly.

Golden Crowned Sparrow
Previous Next This Golden Crowned Sparrow stopped by. The golden patch on their heads are hard to confuse this one with other species. The weather

Deformed Pacific Northwest Bird
Previous Next For a couple days now this little girl has been showing up. When I first saw her I thought what a funny looking

Mountain Bluebird Encounter Oregon Bird Watching
Previous Next We went to a marsh Sunday where I found this Mountain Bluebird. The bird was acting rather funny, when seeing the Northern Harrier

House Finch Feeding Young Wildlife Photos
Previous Next I made my way outside as the sun was shining to sit in my chair. With camera in hand my sons cat jumped

House Finch Stopped By
Previous Next I have been seeing this house finch working on his nest. The female is not as easily identified as this male is. I